1: Ī new group of options on the Timing page of Play > Playback Options allows you to control whether single unslashed grace notes such as the above should be played on the beat or before the beat, and which note duration is the longest that should be treated as a short appoggiatura, with any longer note durations being treated as a long appoggiatura as in the above example.
Here’s a simple example, taken from the Minuet movement of Beethoven’s piano sonata, Op. We added initial support for playback of grace notes in version 1.0.20, but we have improved playback significantly in this latest update. The interpretation of grace notes is something of a fraught subject, as performance practice differs through different historical periods, but hopefully we can agree on what we might consider a common practice interpretation of grace notes, and indeed agree on some terminology.įirst, consider the long appoggiatura, which is played on the beat, and which takes half the notated value of the main rhythmic note that it precedes.
#No sound on playback from east west hollywood strings play update#
This update doesn’t add many major features – though we are working on several, as described in my most recent development diary update – instead focusing on fixing bugs (of which more than 80 have been addressed in this update alone), but we have made significant improvements in a couple of key areas, specifically in playback, and in the handling of rests. We are pleased to announce that the third maintenance release for Dorico, version 1.0.30, is now available as a free update for all existing users (including users of the free 30-day trial version).